RHOSLC Recap: Seth Calls Whitney a “Biatch” After Meredith Confronts Shawn for Bringing Up Brooks; Bronwyn is ‘Embarrassed’ After Todd Shuts Her Down; Lisa & Bronwyn Hash Things Out, Plus Lisa Refuses to Fly Coach

RHOSLC Recap: Seth Calls Whitney a “Biatch” After Meredith Confronts Shawn for Bringing Up Brooks; Bronwyn is “Embarrassed” After Todd Shuts Her Down, Lis & Bronwyn Talk Things Out, Plus Lisa Refuses to Fly Coach After Trip

On this episode of The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake CityLisa is on thin ice with the group and feels awkward after the morning chaos.  Todd Bradley continues to hate every minute of this trip and the husbands stay in the drama, this time with a focus on Shawn and Meredith.  Lisa realizes that things between her and Bronwyn have changed as tensions grow…


It’s only day one and things have taken a helluva turn for Lisa on this Palm Springs Trip.  She feels very uncomfortable and becomes upset while talking to her husband, John.  Lisa feels like Whitney is the common denominator and pot stirrer responsible for all of the drama.  Lisa truly does not want to leave early and would much rather fix things with Bronwyn so the rest of the trip is enjoyable.

The group sitting together at the breakfast after the morning they just had is more than awkward.  Luckily, Lisa breaks the ice.  She doesn’t think Heather had anything to defend and feels like it is hard to have a conversation with Bronwyn about that because it is Heather’s feelings. You can’t dispute a person’s feelings!

Yet here is Lisa, disputing what Whitney feels and claims about the Ali Baba rumors.  Whitney continues to deny that she is lying about her and Lisa demands to see Whitney’s proof that she keeps talking about.  Whitney states that Lisa charged at her husband and here we go again. Instead of Bronwyn getting an apology from Lisa, this fight has erupted between Whitney and Lisa.  Todd looks like he is going to flip his lid and is about to excuse himself until Bronwyn asks him kindly to stay.

Lisa has had it with Whitney’s claims and states, “There is more proof in my tequila than what comes out of you.” John jumps in to let Whitney know, once again, that she did not sabotage Whitney’s jewelry line and he does a lovely job of settling this back and forth.

But, another fire starts.  This time it’s between Angie’s husband, Shawn, and Lisa. Shawn jumps in to discuss the “abuse” Lisa has done to Angie. Lisa can’t believe this is happening and muses in her confessional, “He’s lucky I can see him over the other end of the table.” Lisa apologizes to Angie for hurting her in any way, but things are just tense…until Seth jumps in to talk about asparagus and beach volleyball.

Back in SLC, Mary checks in on her son, Robert, Jr. His bedroom is an absolute mess as he and his wife (?) chow down in bed. Neither of them have much to say to Mary when she asks about their plans for the week and Mary is concerned about Robert’s lack of ambition as of late. Mary feels like she is losing her son to something, but she is trying her best to find him.

I am not sure much can top watching this crew play beach volleyball, especially seeing Todd attempt to get in on the action. They wrap up the game and go get ready for Bronwyn and Todd’s 10-year wedding anniversary dinner celebration.  As she preps in glam, Lisa tries to wrap her head around Shawn’s attack on her.  She then goes on to say how Meredith also has beef with Shawn. Shawn stated that Meredith was using Brooks’s sexuality as a pawn to deflect her bad behavior and Lisa feels frustrated with the whole situation. If Shawn never said that Meredith used her son after the gay rumors swirled about him, things would be fine.

Whitney continues to believe her source fully and can’t imagine a world where she would ever trust Lisa again. In other news, Bronwyn dons her $4,000,000 diamond necklace to celebrate and she begins to realize that her relationship with Lisa may be a little more surface level than she realized.

Side note: Did anyone else catch Todd stating that Lisa owns a “mediocre” tequila company and Whitney and Angie laughing over Seth wearing a Brooks Marks baseball hat?? The shade and the beauty of microphones!

Over dinner, Bronwyn jokes about Todd’s traveling and relates her marriage to the weather: miserable, but beautiful.  They laugh about Todd’s black card (one of the reasons she loves him) and Meredith points out their unusual engagement together. To keep things light, Angie whips out the newlywed game, and it starts fun, but turns dark when they are asked to write their least favorite person at the table.  If you guessed Lisa was the majority vote, you’d win!

Lisa still feels like Justin still owes her an apology after the way he spoke to her. Justin apologizes for the way he reacted to Lisa, and Lisa apologizes to him, as well.  Whitney knows that Lisa will never take accountability for the role she played in the rumors about Ali Baba, but it’s enough for her to move on.

Meredith tells Shawn that she appreciates the convo she had with him, but states that she didn’t feel like she received the necessary apology she deserves.  Shawn thought things were good with Meredith, but now that she brought it back up, he is irritated. Meredith reminds Shawn what he said, Seth pulls up the proof after Whitney demands to see it, and shoves it in her face, stating, “there’s the proof, biatch!” Whitney is appalled that Seth called her that and Angie feels like Meredith is just looking for drama.

Shawn suggests that Meredith took the comments out of context and feels like Meredith used the LGBTQ community to “leverage” some middle ground.  He claims he would never use Meredith’s kid against her and feels like Meredith is “victimizing” herself. Shawn wishes that down the road, they can be friends, but seems like a fat chance of that happening.

Angie brings up how Gwen may be reconnecting with her grandparents, but Todd shuts it down as quickly as it was brought up. Todd is very abrupt and states the conversation is over and done, cutting Bronwyn off at the knees. Bronwyn feels ’embarrassed’ about Todd’s behavior. Their relationship is giving Erika Jayne and Tom, amiright?


“I was worried the ladies were gonna embarrass me, it’s Todd who embarasses me in the moment,” admitted Bronwyn in her confessional.

We learn that the night before ended well and so, the next morning, everyone seems to be in a better place, just in time for the racetrack.  According to Bronwyn, this is a super VVIP race, as Davey Hamilton put together many favors for the Indy race. They meet one of the racers, they get down in the pits, and all the while, Todd stands aside and apart from the group.  He is so out of place.

Bronwyn pulls Lisa aside at the VVIP tent and they try to chat about finishing their issues, but alas, the cars are too loud.  Bronwyn asks Lisa to make some time for her later so they can chat.

Back at the house, Seth says goodbye to Angie and Shawn, as he has to head to work.  Meredith is not thrilled with all this traveling, but is happy he was able to come.  Once Seth leaves, Shawn talks about how Seth called the girls “biatches” at dinner last night.  When Whitney and Justin join them, they question when the men began to get involved in the drama and Whitney and Angie share their frustration with Meredith.


Before heading back, Bronwyn and Lisa meet by the pool to clear the air. Bronwyn feels like things between them have changed since she is now friends with Lisa’s friends. Bronwyn explains that she sat in tears after Heather left her house and reminds Lisa that Heather called her two-faced and mean.  Bronwyn feels like Lisa did not defend her to Heather and wonders why Lisa wouldn’t say Bronwyn is “not a vicious, two-faced b*tch.” The things is, Lisa cannot say that Bronwyn is NOT two-faced, because sometimes she thinks Bronwyn IS. They hug it out, despite Bronwyn’s dislike for hugs and the question marks around their friendship.

Todd states that he would never do a group trip like this again and as they pack up to leave, we get to see the couple’s relationships highlighted. We also get to see some serious pettiness unfold.  Because Bronwyn planned this trip, she will be sitting first-class with Todd, while the rest of the women fly coach for the 65 minute flight home.

Lisa freaks out and refuses to fly this way, as she hasn’t flown coach since college.  She goes as far as making John check for a new seat and is willing to fly to LA for the upgrade.  Makes ya wonder if Bronwyn did this out of spite to Lisa, or if that’s just really the way the seats worked out…