‘Trophy husband’ dad-of-two with three wives says he has ‘no need to work’ – and claims there are plenty of women who want to join his family

An American ‘trophy’ husband with three wives has revealed he doesn’t need to work – because he believes the ‘queens’ in his life should hold the power.

Father-of-two Nick Davis is in a relationship with April, Jennifer and Danielle, who all live in the same marital home and ‘sandwich him as he sleeps at night’.

The trophy husband’s first wife April actually suggested they introduce another woman into the relationship after nine years together.

‘Nick’s a lot to handle. Let’s just say that… in a lot of ways. Nick is a lot to handle in the bed,’ she told TLC’s Seeking Sister Wife program.

That’s when Jennifer was introduced to the romance.

April, left, Jennifer, centre, and Danielle, right, all share a husband - Nick Davis, pictured with them

April, left, Jennifer, centre, and Danielle, right, all share a husband – Nick Davis, pictured with them

April said she liked Jennifer and knew her husband would be attracted to her, and it has been working ever since.

Then last year Danielle came on the scene; the bubbly 22-year-old was quickly embraced by the family. 

‘Nick’s a lot to handle in general with his personality. It’s nice to be able to have helping hands,’ April said.

Nick said he was ‘living the dream’ during his wedding ceremony to his third wife.

And Danielle agreed adding she never thought she could ‘be this happy’. 

Following the wedding Nick’s second wife, Jennifer, became pregnant with the group’s first child, Vera.

He stays at home with the baby while his wives, who are all working professionals, head to the office each day. 

April and Nick got together 15 years ago, before deciding to expand their family by adding Jennifer. Danielle and Nick got married last year - expanding the family further

April and Nick got together 15 years ago, before deciding to expand their family by adding Jennifer. Danielle and Nick got married last year – expanding the family further

Nick has a teenager from a previous relationship who has ‘taken on the role of big brother with ease’ and loves the family’s newest member. 

The father-of-two constantly gets messaged on Instagram – with women asking if he’s looking for a fourth wife any time soon.

His popularity with women have some men confused.

‘Poor me being cheated in all my relationships so far and this guy has three together no complaints and doesn’t even work,’ one man complained.

‘You are living the life. Right now I am breaking my back for no one and nothing,’ complained another.

Nick says he is living his best life with his wives, he is pictured here with them including a very pregnant Jennifer and his teenage son from another relationship

Nick says he is living his best life with his wives, he is pictured here with them including a very pregnant Jennifer and his teenage son from another relationship

While some followers asked if the women in his circle have to meet certain criteria.

‘If you fell in love with someone who didn’t work full time would you still accept them into your family? Or is working full time a responsibility you require? Not hating just genuinely wondering,’ one woman said.

The women don’t date each other and are only in a sexual relationship with Nick.

While they sleep in the same bed they all have areas of their home where they can be intimate with their shared husband.